Day 109 Love Isn’t Always “Me First”
1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 (The Message)
Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Oh my!! Does the Bible really get that specific?? Take a minute and read the lines slowly, thinking about what you are reading. That’s quite a list and I don’t know about you, but I have a lot to work on!!
Even if we are in a place of leadership like being a parent or a group leader of some organization, and have to administer tough love, we are always to do it to benefit the person. As a parent, we still believe the best for our children. As a group leader, our prayer should be that the person would learn from this experience so his or her life will be more productive. If we find ourselves still “crucifying” them in our thoughts and comments, it is not the love of God operating in us.
Now in regards to the line which says, “(Love) isn’t always “me first.” Several years back I had to listen to my own voice talking all about me. When I heard it for the first time, I was mortified!! Did I really sound so self absorbed?? I was so astounded that I went to God right away and asked His forgiveness. In doing so, God helped me to see others and their needs more clearly.
GPS (Directions)
· Go through each line of our verse and think about your life and how it aligns with what God is saying.
· Ask yourself if you have ever given up on someone…..ever thrown them in the “trash heap” because they frustrated you or done something to you. Write in your journal.
· Evaluate the areas where you “think of yourself more highly than you ought.” (Romans 12:3)
· Take several days if necessary, to think on these things.
Prayer Focus:
As God begins to reveal those “self” areas to you, ask Him to forgive you. Then let it go and don’t dwell on it because God is quick to forgive us and we know when He forgives, He forgets.
(Read Ephesians 4:31, Colossians 3:12 and Psalms 103:12)
Perhaps it is time to do a spiritual “housecleaning.” That always feels good when it is done!!