Day 178 I AM Right Now
John 11:25 The Message (MSG)
“I am, right now,
Resurrection and Life…. Do you believe this?"
Perhaps you have an area of your life where things seem
stagnant----where there seems to be no way out or no hope of change?
Mary and Martha were experiencing that. Lazarus had been dead for four days. Pretty “hopeless,” wouldn’t you say?
When Lazarus became sick, Mary and Martha called for Jesus
to come quickly. Jesus was very
strategic in the timing of his journey to go to them.
John 11:6 (NIV1984)
Yet when he heard
that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days.
AAAAAHHHHH!! “Jesus, what are You thinking?? Where are You when I need You??” Have you ever felt like that?? “God, what is the delay?”
Jesus did not hurry because He already
knew how this was going to play out. He
had consulted with God and He had the confidence of what to do in the timing He
was to do it.
Let’s go back and look again:
John 11:4 (NIV1984)
When he heard this,(that Lazarus was sick) Jesus said,
“This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s
Son may be glorified through it.”
No need to rush! In fact the timing of this miracle was going
to confirm that this was God’s doing. In
the meantime, Lazarus died. What could
get more “hopeless” than that?
Upon arriving in Bethany, Jesus said to
Martha, “Your brother will rise again.”
(Verse 23)
Martha answered, “I know he will rise
again in the resurrection at the last day.”
(Verse 24)
Jesus replied, “I AM the resurrection….”
And I am right here now! The Message
Bible says: “You don’t have to wait for
the End. I AM right now, Resurrection and Life.”
When you call to God, He sends LIFE
into your situation. He wants you to
trust that what He is saying is true.
Will you look to Jesus today and invite
Him into your stagnant, dead circumstance??
Will you believe that when you pray, the great “I AM” is on the way to
help you?? See Him walk in the door of
your home and say, “I AM right now.”
GPS (Directions for our journey)
Take a piece of card stock (even a
recipe card will do) and write on it:
11: 25 MSG
AM right now!!
Put it in your Bible so you can see it
as you begin your daily “meeting with God.”
The life of God is in your midst, answering your call.
thank You for hearing my prayer and coming to me. Thank You that You are here right now,
bringing new life into my situation, and
Father, I will be quick to give You all the glory for it! Amen!