Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 235     Intimately Acquainted

    John 8:32  (NIV)
    Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The definition of the word KNOW is “to be intimately acquainted with.”  
Let’s say it this way:  You shall become intimately acquainted with the truth, the truth that will set you free.
What would our lives be like if we became intimately acquainted with the truth in all areas of our lives—God’s truth!
Our whole lives are directed about what we know to be true.  If we believe what God says, then our lives will line up with what God wants.
Here is a truth that we must unquestionably believe:  
God is good and good is what He does. 
Things may have happened in our lives and we wondered where God was at the time.  The truth is 
  God is good and good is what He does.
There were probably some other dynamics entering into the circumstance but one of thing we can count on is that “
God is good and good is what He does.
To be intimately acquainted with this truth will direct your life into a deeper relationship with Him.
GPS  (God’s Directions)
James 1:17
I Corinthians 2: 9-12
Romans 8: 32
Prayer Focus:

Stop and take some time to thank God for His goodness towards you.