Take The High Road
(You'll be glad you did!!)
My first thought this morning was “Ugh—I don’t feel so good.” The thoughts that followed were of the symptoms that I felt, and on their tail came plans for how I was going to spend the day. Ever felt that way? After that, who wants to even get up??
In times like these, I have learned not to stay there and entertain those thoughts. After all, they are just thoughts with emotions attached to them. They urge me to make wrong choices—-stay in bed, cancel everything, plan to baby yourself…..
So this morning I intentionally got up and said, “God, what would You have me to think today? What would You have me do?”
One evening in our small group from church, Dave gave a gal some very simple advice that has really stuck with me. He said, “Take the high road.” When we are in the middle of difficulty, we still have a choice. We can choose to take the high road.
I was pondering that phrase this morning and I realized something. God is on the high road. He’s definitely not on the low road, so if we choose that route—and we can—God won’t be there. We are on our own there. We won’t get His direction and guidance that lead us to His peace and well-being.
I am realizing that in every situation that arises, I have a choice—I can take the high road or the low road. It’s as simple as that. The choice is mine.
God is on the high road and I certainly would not want to spend this day without Him. If I stick with God, I can go to bed tonight praising Him for His goodness towards me, and I’ll end up in a good place—poised and ready for the next day.
And it doesn’t get any better than that!