Day 19
Allow me to give you another word picture. This time I am going to use the analogy of a "closet." Have you noticed over time that things can collect and become very disorganized behind those closed doors? The end result is called “clutter” and clutter causes dysfunction. We can’t find what we are looking for and we become frustrated. Let’s look at the opposite scenario. Remember right after you did a deep cleaning of the cluttered area? You knew just where to look for your desired item because it was in its designated place. Ahhhh….so much easier!
Our soul is the “closet” where our thoughts, our emotions, and our choices live. Fearful, selfish, and angry thoughts clutter up our souls. We stuff wrong thoughts and damaged emotions into our souls and close the door quick so no one can see what’s in there—not even us! If we don’t clean out our souls on a regular basis, it will be difficult for us to receive the thoughts that God wants to give us—directional thoughts, peaceful thoughts, successful thoughts—thoughts that cause us to make right choices. It’s in these choices that we are established and have success.
We pray the Proverbs 16:3* prayer of trust and commitment because we want to think like God thinks so that we can experience His peace. It feels so good to partner with God. We love His instructions, which are those thoughts that lead us securely into His perfect will.
Take a few minutes now and ask God to look into your soul. Allow Him to show you any “clutter” that needs to be removed. If something comes to mind, just know that God is revealing it to you and you can remove it by saying—
“I am sorry, God. I give you my ungodly thoughts, my damaged emotions, and the wrong decisions I have made. Help me to clean out this “closet” so I can be free to hear from You.”
God bless you as you spend time with Him today!
*Proverbs 16:3 (AMPC) “Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.”