Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Day 31 Narrowing Your Focus

We have talked about committing our day (our situation, our vacation, our plans) to God and asking Him to cause our thoughts to become agreeable to His will so that we will be established and have success. Of course, we want to have successful days and God-orchestrated events happening in our lives. In order for everything to fall into place so that we can feel successful, we will have to think like God thinks. 

I got to thinking about how I could make this connection between God’s thoughts and my thoughts. How could I clear the lines, so to speak so that I could have a more defined connection between God and me?

When I laid this before God, I felt like I was to narrow my focus. I felt led to make a list of the things that were very important to me and number them in the order of which one was the most important, etc. Take a minute to do that for yourself. 

Write down the things that are important to you. 

Number them in order of importance.

Evaluate how much time you are spending on each of your items.

I soon realized that my top priority was full of good intentions but I was spending very little time on it. My schedule needed to be rearranged to accommodate that one thing that was important to me. Then I added the second and third most important things. In doing this I learned that if I were to be productive in the areas of my priorities some things would have to go. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow but take today’s “assignment” to God and ask Him to help you prioritize. 

It’s more important than you know!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Day 30 What Are You Expecting?

Begin by asking yourself these questions:

     What am I expecting from God today?

     Am I expecting Him to give me direction so I can make right choices?

     Am I expecting God to correct me if I am thinking wrong thoughts?

     Am I expecting new ideas and new ways of doing things so that I can be successful?

Carefully read through the following promise from God:

Roll your works upon the Lord
[commit and trust them wholly to Him;
He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and]
so shall your plans be established and succeed.
Proverbs 16:3 AMPC

If your thoughts and plans are aligned with God's will, you will be successful in everything you do. However, if you are saying, "I need more of God's direction in my life," then begin by praying something like this: 

Father, I commit this day to You. I trust that You will cause my thoughts to line up with your will so I can be established and successful. Help me to think the way You think in every situation that I face today. Cause me to be in the right place, at the right time, saying and doing the right things.

How could you possibly miss when you pray like that? As you begin each day with a similar prayer, you can expect that every problem will be solved, every decision will be right and every step that you take will be orchestrated by God.

For I know the thoughts that I have planned for you,
saith the Lord,
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
Jeremiah 29:11 KJV

Allow me to ask again.....What are you expecting from God today?

NOTE: I have discovered that some of you have made comments on these blog posts. I have also realized that I have to go into my blog stats to get those comments. I am sorry if I have not replied. I just didn't realize they were there. I will be better from now on!  I promise!!!

Always learning something new,
