Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 181  A New Way Of Responding

Romans 8:15  Amplified Bible
For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!

Notice that the word “Spirit” is capitalized.  The verse is referring to the Holy Spirit.  He’s the part of the Godhead that was sent to us when Jesus went to be with the Father after the resurrection.

The Holy Spirit is the one Who—

            Comforts us   (John 14:26 )

            Guides us       (John 16:13)

            Teaches us    (John 14:26)

            Convicts us   (John 16:8)

            Reminds us    (John 14:26)

NOTE:  Read these verses out of the Amplified Bible for clarity.  If you don’t have an Amplified Bible, you can go to

He is the One Who is left here on the earth to cause us to live victorious until Jesus comes to bring us home.  It is all part of God’s marvelous plan for us.

So why do we feel alone—like we have no hope—like no one cares—like we are the only one going through this stuff?

It’s because we have an enemy that wants to come and steal our joy.  If he can discourage us, he’s got us right where he wants us.

Our verse says if we have received Christ as our personal Savior then the Holy Spirit resides in us.  The Holy Spirit guides us into all truth and the truth is—we do not have to be in bondage to fear again!!

Fear says—

            I am alone

            I won’t make it

            There is no way out

            God doesn’t care about me

            There is no hope for my situation

                                    Etc. Etc. Etc.

You know how it goes.  We all know how it goes because we have all felt this way at times.  It’s the Holy Spirit who wants to get the truth to us in the midst of these thoughts.  He’s the One that says, “You don’t have to be in slavery again to these thoughts.  You’ve been set free!   The chains have broken!  You have been adopted by the Father!!”

Now that is the Good News!!

GPS  (Directions)

·         John 10:10

·         Romans 8:6

·         John 8: 32, 36

Prayer Focus:

Invite the Holy Spirit of God to come to you in a greater measure and to fill you with God’s ways, God’s truth and God’s divine destiny for you.

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