Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 219    Co-laboring With God      

2 Samuel 22:21-25  The Message (MSG)
21God made my life complete when I placed all the pieces before Him.

What a powerful truth!  And when did it happen??  “….when I placed all the pieces before Him.”

As I continue to get to know God better, I am seeing that we have a part to play in what we are asking God to do for us.  I call it “co-laboring” with God.  I am learning to hear His voice and to do my part in bringing about the answer.

In this verse He is asking us to place all our pieces before Him.  No hiding, no shame, no guilt, no fear—just lay the pieces of our lives out there.

Our lives are like a jigsaw puzzle.  The pieces are all over the place and it seems like a monumental task.  If you say to yourself, “Where do I start,” let me offer this suggestion.

Two things:

1.      Choose a place--in your home, your office, your car, at the coffee shop…where you will not be interrupted…


2.      And choose a meeting time—when you will have the least amount of interruptions.

There now—you have framed in your puzzle.  All of a sudden it does not seem so overwhelming.  Your framework is complete.

Next, get yourself a Bible that you can understand and a new notebook where you can write your insights.  When you have done that, go to your place at the time you have set aside and begin by saying, “God, what do you want me to know today?”

Your answer will be in the Bible.  Now that may seem a little overwhelming too, so here’s how to get started:

Find a good devotional.  Open to the first day and read the scripture. Find it in your Bible and keep reading until certain words jump off the page concerning your personal life.  Write those words down on your journal page.  God just showed you what He wants you to know for today.

Isn’t that amazing??

Tomorrow repeat the same thing….and the day after that and the day after that.  When you reach Day 7 of your week, STOP---go back and read what you have written in your journal.  This is important because you will see how God’s words tie together.  Your puzzle is coming together.  God is making your “life complete.”

GPS (Direction from God’s Word) *

·         Matthew 11: 28-30  The Message (MSG)

·         Isaiah 49:16

·         Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer Focus:

God, what do you want me to know today?

*If you do not have The Message (MSG) Bible, you can find it online at  or on the YOU VERSION app on for your phone or iPad.



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