Sunday, May 21, 2017

Our Seven Day Recap

Day 14

We are continuing to lay a foundation for developing a successful lifestyle. If you have just jumped on board, I encourage you to go to Archives and click on April. There you will find “Day 1” which is entitled “Developing A Successful Lifestyle.” Begin reading there and in no time you will be caught up to us. When you are caught up, I encourage you to put in your email address and each new post will automatically be sent to your email box.

On DAY EIGHT we learned that we are not alone and that God cares very much about our everyday lives. Aren’t you glad that He does?

On DAY NINE we learned that nothing is too small to turn over to God. He desires to show us just how much He is concerned about everything in our lives.

On DAY TEN we learned that God has the blueprint for our lives and He is very willing to show us which paths to take. He loves us and wants to give us the solutions for every situation that we face.

On DAY ELEVEN we learned God had every one of our days planned out and written in a book. And just like any well-meaning parent, those plans are designed for our good.

On DAY TWELVE we learned that God doesn’t barge in and take over, but instead He waits for us to come to Him and ask for His wisdom and His help.

On DAY THIRTEEN we learned that God wants to establish us. That means He wants to bring our lives into order so everything falls right into place.

All of this can happen for you by putting our foundational scripture into practice. The word “practice” denotes that we repeat it over and over until it becomes second nature to us. My husband and I have been doing just that and after several months, we love the way our lives function. It brings us great joy and it will do the same for you. So here is the promise that will cause your life to prosper:

Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; 
He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, 
and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.

Proverbs 16:3 (AMPC)

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