Thursday, August 10, 2017

Day 22 Adjust That Attitude!

Let’s continue now with learning how to stay in peace so we can be successful—one day at a time!

When we made Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, our spirit was recreated to be in unity with Jesus Christ. It sure would have been nice if our souls were transformed at the same time but—not so! That’s up to us.

On Day 19 I explained that our soul is made up of our thoughts, our emotions, and our choices. If all three are in perfect alignment with God, then we experience peace. If not, our thoughts, emotions, and choices take a collision course. We are all over the map and there is no peace to be found.

It’s up to each one of us to commit our thoughts, our emotions and our choices to God so that He can cause them to become agreeable to His will. I call that “recalibration.” Three words that define recalibrate are adjustment, alignment, and correction. When we adjust our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes so they agree with God’s, we will experience His peace. 

There is something we can do on purpose so that we can walk in peace every day of our lives. 

“Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him….” 

My husband and I begin every day this way because we have learned when we are in sync with God, we experience peace—the kind of peace that establishes us in a position to be successful. How simple and how beneficial——and how motivating to do this each and every day!

Spend a little time thinking about an area of your life that needs to change in order to come into alignment with God's will. Make some notes in your journal using the following scriptures:

Romans 12:2 NIV
Philippians 2:5 KJV
Proverbs 16:3 KJV 

God bless your day! God bless your week! God bless your life!!


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