Saturday, April 14, 2018

Day 37 Staying On Course

God is righteous. He thinks right, He acts right, He has the right attitude, the right heart concerning everything—-every layer of His being is pure and blameless. So it stands to reason that if we fellowship with Him, we can become more like Him. This is possible because we were made in His image. Our foundational scripture says that He will cause our thoughts to conform to His will. If we think right, we will make right choices that will keep us on course in His perfect will. 

During the course of our day, we oftentimes run into our own familiar patterns of thinking and behavior. You know the ones that say, “This is always the way I do it,” or “That’s just the way I am.” These “I” attitudes cause us to take the path of least resistance—the easiest one to default to because we have done it so many times. God says “Come to Me. Get away with Me….” (Matthew 11:28 MSG) because He knows the right way for us and He loves to give us new, innovative ideas that will bring us success.

Sometimes we find ourselves getting stuck in a “dead end “ place with no way out. If we turn to Him and ask for His help, like any well-meaning parent, He is right there to help us. We don’t have to spend one minute of our day being disgusted, disappointed or delayed. He would rather we spend our days joyfully praising Him and being thrilled with our relationship with Him.

Philippians 2:5 (NIV)   Have the same mindset as Christ.
Genesis 9:6 (NIV) We were made in God's image. 
Proverbes 16:3 (AMPC) He will cause our thoughts to become agreeable to His will.                                                                                                 

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