Day 163 Meet the Great “I AM!”
John 8:58 New International
Version (NIV)
“Very truly I tell
you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
I have been reading the Old Testament for years. There are so many promises there of what God
intends to do. I have hung on to so many
of those promises, but I found myself in a waiting mode. It is always “I will “ do this and “I will”
do that. Waiting had become a way of
life for me.
I do believe that God has a timing for everything and I want
to be in His timing but I also discovered that I was hung up in a waiting
mode. It’s like seeing the “Finish Line”
up ahead but never being able to cross it.
The Old Testament is prophetic for the coming of Jesus
Christ. Jesus came over 2,000 years
ago. He “finished: the work at the cross through his suffering
and death. The waiting is over!!
Now when I read the Old Testament, I mentally substitute “I
AM” for “I will.” The work has been
completed. All that God has promised is
available to us now.
Example: “I will have
compassion on you.” (Isaiah 54:8b) He has already shown us His compassion by
sending Jesus to die for us. The New
Testament version of that is “I AM having compassion on you.”
Doesn’t that change everything? I feel like He enters my world now. He’s not far off, giving me a promise that I
will never experience.
I can get up and put a smile on my face because right here
and right now (in my world) He is having compassion on me!! He is comforting me, strengthening me,
healing me, etc.
That’s a good word to me!
I hope it is for you!!
GPS (Directions for our journey)
Read the following scriptures and insert I AM for “I will.”
Ezekiel 37: 21-22
Vs. 26
already made a covenant of peace. Jesus
Christ is peace. There is no more
waiting. It’s there for you!
Isaiah 51: 3
The Lord has brought comfort to us through
Jesus Christ, our Lord! It’s available
Prayer Focus:
Thank God that He is “right here and right now”—that He is
in the middle of your personal world.
Worship Him as “I AM.”
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