Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 16     I Am Determined
Isaiah 50:7 (New International Version)
 7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me,
       I will not be disgraced.
       Therefore have I set my face like flint,
       and I know I will not be put to shame.
That sounds like “determination,” doesn’t?  Determination comes when we are confident and confidence comes when we have spent time with God. 
I have found that daily meetings with God at a specific time creates an atmosphere of dialog.  In the business world that is natural.  It should be natural in the spiritual world also.  
Dialoging with God takes a little getting used to.  At first it might seem like we are doing all the talking and God is not even there, but as we continue to meet with Him on a regular basis, we will begin to sense His presence.
Yesterday’s scripture (Isaiah 30:21) tells us that He is willing to talk to us.  One way that He speaks is through His Word.  I use an easy-to-understand version of the Bible and an easy-to-relate-to devotional.  
Iff you are serious abut having these consistent, daily “meetings,” you will begin to sense His presence with you. As your read His Word, you will have confidence in what He wants and what He will do.  Then you can set your face like flint and not be moved by the circumstances around you.
GPS (God’s Directions)
John 16:24
Psalms 46:10
Psalms 57:7
Prayer Focus:
Set a time and a (quiet) place to meet with God and then say, “Here I am, God, ready to spend time with You.”

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