Tuesday, May 6, 2014

God Loves Me
Isaiah 54:10 (The Message)
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces,  My love won't walk away from you,  My covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart."  The God who has compassion on you says so. 

What is God saying to us in this verse??  “My love won’t walk away from you…”  That means He doesn’t get discouraged when we mess up.  When we step out of faith and start to worry, He doesn’t withhold His love for us.  He knows we are human and that we are going to make mistakes.
Like any well meaning parent, when one of His children goes astray or even rebels, He is faithful to open His arms wide and wait for their return.
It is so much fun to be with someone who loves you.  He waits for us to come to Him.  He longs to see us and spend time with us.  The Almighty God of the universe knows how you feel and He waits for you to come into His arms.
GPS  (God’s Directions)
  • Lamentations 3: 22-23 NLT
  • Jeremiah 30:18
  • Psalms 103:13
Prayer Focus:

Come into the Father’s arms and tell Him how much you appreciate His faithfulness toward you.

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