Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 86  Abide In My Love
John 15:9 (Amplified Bible)
I have loved you, [just] as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love [continue in His love with Me].
The word “abide” means:

to remain
to continue
to stay
to live and dwell

Jesus has a love relationship with God and He is calling us into that relationship ­with them.  It’s like God and Jesus are embracing as Father and Son and they turn to us and say, “Come here.  Join us!”  Amazing, isn’t it??
Something inside of us says, “I didn’t read my Bible this week,” or “I was supposed to get up and pray and I slept instead.”  Or how about this, “I yelled at the kids….okay I screamed at the kids” or “I ate nearly half of the chocolate cake in one sitting.” We judge ourselves with the help of the accuser, and then we do not come into this group hug (for lack of better words) when Jesus invites us.  As a result we stand on the periphery and try to go it on our own.
Sometimes we don’t realize we do that until it is brought to our attention.  The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, has to show us what we are actually thinking.
Today’s Focus
1.      Read the following scriptures and let God speak personally to you.

Revelation 12:10b  NIV
John 15:7 Amplified Bible
John 16:13  Amplified Bible

2.       Think about those areas of your life where you are trying to do things on your own without the help of God.
Prayer Focus
Thank Him for His love and His patience toward you.  He is a loving Father who always believes the best about you and wants a love relationship with you.

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