Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 88  The Fresh And New Has Come
2 Corinthians 5:17 (Amplified Bible)
17Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!

Read the entire verse above and then go back and read the words that I have put in bold.  Those are the words we are going to focus on today.
When we made Jesus the Lord and Savior of our lives, we were at that time “made righteous” (Romans 5:19) and came into right standing because of the finished work of the cross.  What an act of grace on God’s part!!
Above we learned that “the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away.”  That is a fact!!  The truth is we are still not thinking or acting as we should.  We have old wrong attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, etc., based on our past experiences.
As we renew our minds to what the Word of God says about us, our lives begin to line up with the righteousness that Jesus imparted to us when we humbly came to Him and asked forgiveness for our sins and asked Him to be LORD of our lives.
We don’t look at ourselves as sinners, but as the righteousness of God because of what the Word says.  
As we look to the cross and God’s grace towards us, It makes us want to live our lives in accordance with His gift of grace.  The wrong attitudes, beliefs and behaviors now become detestable to us and we want to make the necessary changes so our lives reflect our heavenly Father’s love.
God is calling us to a new place—a place where we can live in the “fresh” and the “new” and where we can bring glory to Him!!
GPS---  God’s Positioning System
NOTE:  Since this blog is called “You Can Get There From Here,” it seems appropriate that we use the analogy of a GPS.  God is positioning us right in the middle of His truth as we get into His Word.

·         Romans 5: 18-19—We are made righteous
·         Romans 12: 2--Renewing our minds
·         Ephesians 2:8—Grace is a gift
ANOTHER NOTE:  If you are new to my blog, I encourage you to go to the Archives and click on Day 1.  A journey always begins at the beginning!
EnJOY your ride!!

Prayer Focus:
Thank God for His grace today.  Thank Him that His grace is poured out for each and every day that we live on this earth.  Stop during your day and turn to Him for your answers and don’t forget to thank Him!!
Would love to hear your comments!!

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