Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 124   Times Of Refreshing
Psalm 19:7 (New International Version)
The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.
Remember how when you were a kid and you told that lie that blossomed out of nowhere until you were in big trouble??  And then remember how good you felt when you finally went to your parents and said you were sorry, and they hugged you and it was all over??  That’s the kind of refreshing this verse is talking about. 
Remember that our souls are our thoughts, (what is consuming our minds,) our emotions (fear, confusion, etc) and our choices.  That part of us experiences refreshment because our slate is wiped clean and we are free to enjoy our lives once again.
I was thinking about how when you truly love someone, you always believe the best in them no matter what they have done.  You forgive them because you love them.  Then when they finally do come to you and ask forgiveness, you say to them, “I have already forgiven you.”  That’s true love—the God kind of love.  It’s a supernatural love. 
What beautiful words those are, “I have already forgiven you.”  Those words bring lots of things to an end—like guilt, pain, frustration, justification, etc.  Finally your slate is cleared and it’s time for refreshment.  A cleansed soul is a refreshed soul!!
Take the story of Zacchaeus in Luke 19.  He was a notorious sinner—one who cheated people on their taxes.  The minute he came into contact with Jesus, he repented and said, “Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
Can you imagine how good it felt to have his slate whipped clean?  I can imagine because God has given me a fresh start many times.  It feels so good!
GPS  (Directions)
·         Ask God if you have any “unfinished business” that He might like to talk to you about--any excuses, justifications and denial of sin in your life.

·         Read the following scriptures and make them your own:

Colossians 3:10  Amplified Bible  

Psalms 51: 10-12 NIV

Acts 3:19  NIV
Prayer Focus:
Thank your wonderful God for His redemptive heart towards you.  Thank Him for making all things new and fresh for you.

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