Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 31        You Chose Me
John 15:16 (New International Version, ©2010)
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
As if yesterday wasn’t good enough, the scripture goes on to say that God Almighty chose me and appointed me to bear fruit.  He knew about me….the thirty three year old housewife with a husband and two children that stood in the kitchen that day doing what needed to be done.  (See Day 29)
Now I find out that He chose me.  And guess what, He has chosen you too!!  He wants to tell you things.  He wants to reveal things to you that will help you maneuver through this life.  (See Day 30)
And why does He want to do that??  So we can live in His fullness---in all that He has for us.  In that way, we can share what we have with others.  That’s what this blog is all about.  I have just opened my journal from this last year and I am sharing with you what He has shared with me this last year. 
God wants His children to bear fruit so that the whole world can know how good He is.  He doesn’t want people to think He is a God who brings sickness and disease, loss, poverty, etc.  He wants our eyes open to His Word so that we can really know His heart and His will for our lives.
When our minds are renewed to these truths, we can begin to think according to His will for us.  As we begin to speak what we see in His Word, these words become real to us.  When they are real to us we can share them with others along life’s way.  He wants us to bear fruit so the world will know Him.
Today’s assignment:
1.      Look up these scriptures and let the goodness of God seep into your heart and mind.

2 Chronicles 6: 41
Psalms 23:6
Psalms 142:7
2 Peter 1:3
James 1:17

2.       Practice saying to others,  “God is good, isn’t He?”  When clerks in stores comment that the sun is shining, I like to use this as an opportunity to mention God’s goodness.  If you have children at home, (or grandchildren like me), talk with them about how good God is.  It’s time we all thought along those lines.
Father, You are so amazingly good to me and I thank You so much.  Help me to relay Your goodness to everyone I meet.  I love You, Lord, with all of my heart.  Amen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 30       I Call You Friend
John 15:15-16 (New International Version, ©2010)
15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
It is totally amazing to me that Jesus could call me “friend.”  What do friends do?  They spend time together.  They talk. They are there for each other.   This verse says that Jesus learned from the Father and then He passes those truths onto us.  Jesus lets us in on what is important to the Master.
Before we came to Christ we were “servants.”  Servants don’t have any relationship with their master.  They just do what they are told.  When we make Jesus the Lord of our lives, we become “friends.”  Jesus spends time with us by the Holy Spirit, and explains things to us that we need to know.  That’s what a good friend would do.
We don’t ever have to be afraid to ask questions.  He would never push us aside and cause us to be more confused and alone.  Instead He invites us to spend time with Him.
If this is unfamiliar to you, spend some time in “Today’s Assignment” and I promise you that God will meet you in your attempt to meet Him.
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Get yourself a good devotional.  You can even use this blog by going back and rereading some of the scriptures I have shared with you.

2.       Open your Bible and read the scripture.  I like to read it right from my Bible because it makes it more personal for me.  Your Bible is where you will meet with God .  Dare to make it personal.  Dare to believe that He is speaking to you by the Holy Spirit.  Dare to write it in your journal as a personal promise.

3.      Reread John 15: 15-16 and make note of the word “everything.”  Whew!  Can you believe it?  Do you really think He means “everything?”

Father, I want to be Your friend and I am going to dare to believe that You actually want to be friends with me.  Actually when I think of it, You gave Your Son so that I might have this fellowship with You.  You are a totally amazing God.  Every day You amaze me more!  Thank You, God.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 29    You Are Free Indeed
John 8:36 (Amplified Bible)
36So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and unquestionably free.
Years ago, I had this “day dream.”  I know that God was giving me a picture of true and lasting freedom.  I am going tell this story in hopes that you can “see” what I saw that day.
It was 5:00 in the afternoon and I was fixing dinner in my kitchen.  Our children were little and were playing around my feet as I worked.  My husband was not home yet.
There was a knock at the door and two policemen entered our kitchen and read me my rights and arrested me.  In front of my children, they put handcuffs on me and proceeded to take me downtown.  I am all the while screaming, “What did I do?  What did I do?”  Our children were screaming for their momma as we pulled away in the squad car. 
I was booked in the county jail still not knowing what I had done and I still had my apron on from cooking dinner. 
They escorted me to the dark, cold basement and put me in a jail cell, slammed the door and left me. 
I was scared and alone and very, very cold in that dark and damp basement.  I huddled in the corner in hopes that I could find some warmth.
After a long while, light and warmth entered that dark basement.  It was Someone who had keys to my jail cell.  He walked over, unlocked the door and then proceeded to leave the basement.  My prison door stood open wide. 
I remember sitting in the corner a long time, thinking I must have done something bad and I must pay for what I had done even though I didn’t know what that was. 
Finally after a long while of sitting there, shivering and cold, I began to look around, thinking that it was very strange that no one was there and the door was wide open.  It took me a long time but I edged over to the open cell door.  I got up my nerve and looked both ways.  Still no one!
I edged out the door fully expecting that someone would grab me and throw me back into the cell.  With no one around, I edged down the hallway, my back up against the wall to be as invisible as possible.  In front of me was a set of about seven stairs that led to a landing. At the top of the landing was a solid steel door that led outdoors.
I slowly---very slowly—edged up each stair until I finally reached the landing.  There was a small window in the door so I took a peek.  The sun was shining out there which made me desire that warmth on my shivering body.  I looked and there were lots of people laughing and dancing in the sunlight.  They acted like they didn’t have a care in the world. 
I got up enough nerve to push the heavy steel door open and I edged out onto the step and into the bushes by the building.  The sun began to warm me and I enjoyed watching the others have such a good time together.
Eventually I came out behind the shrub.  Immediately the others drew me into the dance.  The more I danced, the more joy I had. To my amazement no one came to get me.  Perhaps I really could be free!
This story is a picture of Jesus did for each of us.  We all started out guilty.  Jesus went to the Cross and took our guilt and our sin.  He had the keys in His possession and His death set us all free from guilt.  Can you even imagine?
Yet, we sit in our jail cell even when the door stands open.  We blame ourselves, thinking we must pay when He already paid for us.  All we have to do is walk out.  We are free!!  We’ve been set free!!   All we have to do is walk out!

When we say, “I am sorry Lord, that I have not lived for You,” He forgives us and wipes the slate clean for us.  Then He helps us live for Him each and every day as we rely on Him.
 It’s time to come out and go free!!
Today’s Assignment:
1.       If you have never opened your heart to the love of Jesus Christ, go to Day 13 and 14 and at the end of the blog, there are scriptures that will lead you into the arms of God .

2.      Read John 8: 32 in The Message

Jesus said, "I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave is a transient, who can't come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.

Going back to my story…..we have been set free to dance!!  Free to rejoice!!  Free to laugh!!  Free to enjoy fellowship with others!!  Free!!  Free!! Free!!  We are unquestionably free!!
Father, thank You so much for sending Jesus to the Cross for me, that I might be totally and unquestionably free.  Father, help me to remember that and help me to live free so I can lead others into freedom.  Thank You, Lord!  Amen.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 27 and 28
In reviewing the last five days, I realize how much scripture I gave you this week!  Whew!!  Do not be overwhelmed by that.  Remember, scripture will always be there.  It’s not going anywhere and the Holy Spirit, your Counselor will see to it that God’s truth will get to you when you most need it.
That being said….
·         Take those scriptures that were meaningful to you and make them into a prayer of thanksgiving.  Make them personal.

·         For example from Day 22:
Hebrews 4: 7 The Message 
God keeps renewing the promise and setting the date as today, just as he did in David's psalm, centuries later than the original invitation:

   Today, please listen,
      don't turn a deaf ear . .
Father, thank You for never giving up on me.  Thank You that You keep renewing Your promise to me and giving me another chance to get a hold of everything that You have for me.
·         Another example (from Day 22): 
            From I Corinthians 2: 9-16
Father, help me to understand what you have so freely given me.
  • Continue on doing this today and tomorrow.
·         Evaluate how much better you feel after you have communicated with God on a personal level.

·         If you haven’t gotten through all the scriptures last week,  just leave them and move on into your new week ahead.  God is waiting there for you!!  He wants to fill you, minister life to you, instruct you and just plain love you!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 26     God’s Word Stands Forever 
Isaiah 40: 8 (New International Version)
8 The grass withers and the flowers fall,
   but the word of our God endures forever.”
Maybe you are in a season of your life when it seems like things are withering and falling—kind of like the fall season when everything dries up and looks dead.  Perhaps you feel like your faith is dried up and your dreams of happiness are dying.
It is not so with God.  God is the Author of life, and  His words stand forever!!  His Words will not fail to produce the promise as long as we keep them active.  How do we do that??  By speaking them!!  As we speak God’s words out of our mouths, God’s promise to us  becomes activated.  It is real--more real than our difficulties!!  When our problems become front and center in our thoughts and in our lives, then we need to go back to God’s words and position them  front and center!! 
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Do you need a word from God today?  How about these??  Look up these scriptures and think on them.  Write those that you need in your journal.  Or here’s another idea….write them on a 3 X 5 card and carry them with you so you have them in front of you all the time.   Then you can speak them anytime and anywhere.

(Note:  Tomorrow we begin our two day review of the last five days, so don’t be overwhelmed by all of these scriptures.  You have three days to read them and let them sink into your heart.  EnJOY!!)

Protection     Psalms 91
                        I John 5:18
                        Hebrews 13:5
Health           III John 2
                                    Isaiah 53: 5
                                    Jeremiah 30:17
                                    Psalms 103: 2-3
                                    Psalms 107: 20
                                    Matthew 8: 16-17
                                    Hebrews 13:8
                                    Acts 4:30       
                                    I Peter 2: 24
Financial Help
                                    Joshua 1:8
                                    Psalms 35:27
                                    III John 2
                                    Philippians 4:19
                                    Psalms 115:14
Deuteronomy 8:18
Isaiah 61:7
                                   Isaiah 26:3
                                  2 Thessalonians 3:16
                                  Philippians 4:7  (Amplified Bible)
                                  Isaiah 55:12
                                  Romans 15:13
                                  Psalms 34:4
            Family Unity
                                 Psalms 147: 13-14
Father, thank You for Your words of life to me!  You provided them thousands of years ago so that they would be there when I needed them.  They are alive to me today and they bring life and peace to me in the midst of my circumstances.  I so thank You for them!  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 25     God Makes Everything Right
Psalm 103:6 (The Message)
God makes everything come out right; He puts victims back on their feet.
Ever feel like a victim?  It’s such a helpless feeling, isn’t it?  It feels like your circumstances are way bigger than you are and that there is no help in sight.  That’s why this promise from God Himself is so powerful.
One day when I was studying, God began to show me about His “power words.”  If you look at this scripture, what word stands out to you as an absolute?
The answer is “everything.”  It means every thing!!  Every little thing!  Every big thing!  EVERY thing!!  That’s God’s power word to you.  Now read it again:
“God makes EVERY thing come out right.”
That’s one of those “You shouldn’t have said it unless you meant it” times!!  If God said it, we can believe it—just like a child!!
Today’s assignment:
1.       Think about the things in your life that are not right.  Make a list of them in your journal.

2.       Write Psalms 103:6a in your journal beside your list.

3.      Form a prayer, thanking Him for what He is doing in your situations.

4.      Then go on to read Psalms 103 in The Message:

God is sheer mercy and grace;
      not easily angered, he's rich in love.
   He doesn't endlessly nag and scold,
      nor hold grudges forever.
   He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve,
      nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
   As high as heaven is over the earth,
      so strong is his love to those who fear him.
   And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
      he has separated us from our sins.
   As parents feel for their children,
      God feels for those who fear him.
   He knows us inside and out,
      keeps in mind that we're made of mud.

5.       Think about what a good Father He is and thank Him for that!
Father, it is beyond my comprehension how much you love me.  You are willing to forgive my mistakes and You understand that I am just a person who has shortcomings.  I thank You that before the beginning of time, You knew that Adam and Eve were going to mess up and You already had a plan in place to keep me close to You.  You sent Jesus to the cross of all of sin (mine included) so that You and I could have fellowship today.  That totally amazes me and I am so grateful.  Thank You, wonderful God.  Amen.
NOTE:  As you read God’s word in the days to come, watch for His “power words.”  They are what they are—powerful words!!!  Never again am I going to read over them like I have in the past.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 24        God Understands Me
Hebrews 4:15 (The Message)
We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality.
Now that is a good word!!!!!!  Jesus Christ is our High Priest.  (See the previous verse.)  He is in touch with my reality and your reality!!  That is so good to know when we are going through difficult things.
When you stop to think about it, Jesus was rejected, dragged into court and lied about, spit upon---people wanted to murder Him, they emotionally abused Him and physically abused Him, etc.  I would say that He does understand what we are going through because He went through it all first.
Okay, now that we know that, go on to the next verse:
He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin.
Can you imagine??  Jesus did not sin when all of that was done to Him and He was a man just like us at the time. 
·         Hebrews 2: 14 says:
Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death.

·         Philippians 2:7 (New Living Translation)

            Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
             he took the humble position of a slave
            and was born as a human being.
            When he appeared in human form.

·         Hebrews 2:17
17 Therefore, it was necessary for him to be made in every respect like us, his brothers and sisters,  so that he could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Then he could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the people.
He became a man so He could understand what we are going through and have mercy and grace for our situations.  Oh Jesus, thank You!!
So whatever you are going through today, know that Jesus is aware of it, He went through it Himself so He understands it, and …….. here’s the best part---are you ready???
He is bringing you right on through it!!  Jesus suffered at the cross for you, but it didn’t stop there.  He came through the cross and was victorious!!!  That’s His wonderful plan for you too---to have victory over your circumstances!!   So don’t let go…..hold steady….take His hand and move with Him.
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Read the scriptures below so that you will understand that Jesus was a man who experienced all the things that we do:

Matthew 26:37     He knew stress
Luke 2: 40       He grew in His body
Luke 4:2   He was hungry
Luke 8: 23    He needed sleep
Luke 24: 39  He had a physical body
John 4:6   His body got tired

2.       Spend some time thinking about how Jesus endured all of life’s situations – not only His but all of yours – and yet came through victorious!!

Read 2 Corinthians 2: 14

Thank Him!  Thank Him!  Thank Him!    You can wave good-bye to those adverse circumstances in your life!! 

I encourage you to stay close to God through these “meetings.”  He promises to bring you right on through in victory!!!
Father, I am so glad that You understand me and what I am going through.  I am extremely glad that You are here with me right now.  I don’t have to be afraid.  I don’t have to be weary.  I don’t have to be depressed because you and I are on a journey.  We are on our way to victory!!  Thank You, my Father!! Amen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 23       God Means What He Says
Hebrews 4:12 (New International Version)
 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Let’s take this scripture apart so we can get every aspect of the revelation that God wants us to have.
1.       The word of God is alive.
2.      The word of God is active.
3.      The word of God is sharp.
Sharp, meaning it is like a sharp knife that cuts between the lies and the truth.
When I was little I used to watch my dad fillet fish.  First of all he had to have a very sharp knife.  He would cut just right so he could lift off the meat so he could see the bones of the fish.  He would slide his sharp knife under the bones and they would lift off all in one piece.
That’s the way God’s word is.  It exposes the truth and then lifts off the lies…..separates them, if you will.
In our daily existence, we have both the truth and the lies available to us.  If we believe lies, they become a part of our belief system.  They influence how we think, how we feel, how we act, the choices we make, etc.  The result is disillusionment, depression, despair, in that order.
If we seek after the truth in every situation, we have peace and joy.
You might be saying to yourself, “I need that peace and joy, but how do I get it?”
First of all, we will never experience true and lasting peace without making Jesus Christ our Lord.  (See Days 13 and 14 for further explanation.)  We may experience peace for an hour or maybe even for a day but true and lasting peace, comes only in being a child of God.
Secondly, if the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Truth” like the Word says, then we want to receive Him in His fullness. We need all the truth we can get, right?
Thirdly, God’s word is truth.  Hebrews 4: 12 in The Message Bible says, “God means what He says.”  Wow!!   God Almighty (think of it!) means what He says!!  I would say we could count on that!!
So let’s open our hearts and let the great “surgeon” do surgery and remove the things from us that are not true.  Then (unlike the fish), He will put us back together---whole and complete!!
Today’s Assignment:
1.      Go to your designated place at your designated time and have your meeting with God.

2.      Read and think on these scriptures:

Being part of the family of God:  

            Romans 8: 15-16   NIV
            John 1: 12 NIV
            John 3: 1-7  NIV
The Spirit of Truth  (The Holy Spirit)

            John 14: 16-18  NIV
            John 16:13  NIV
            Romans 8: 5-6  NIV
            Psalms 25:5  NIV

3.      Talk to God and ask Him to fill you with the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that you might know and understand truth from His perspective.

Father, I am starting to realize just how alive Your words are and how they can and will change my life for the better if I only turn to You in every situation.  Father, help me to do that.  Help me to train myself to go to you in each and every situation in my life.  I so want to live in the peace and joy that is available to me.  Thank You, Father for walking with me today.  Thank You, Holy Spirit, for leading me into all the truth.  Amen.
NOTE:  You may be wondering what all the letters are behind the scriptures.  They are translations of the Bible.  I use several different translations so that I can get the clearest understanding of what He is saying to me.
Here are some of those translations:
NIV      New International Version
AMP   Amplified Version
TM       The Message  (Not a translation, but an
            Interpretation, yet it is still very good.)
NLT      New Living Translation
NKJV   New King James Version
NAS    New American Standard
All of these and more can be found on