Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 25     God Makes Everything Right
Psalm 103:6 (The Message)
God makes everything come out right; He puts victims back on their feet.
Ever feel like a victim?  It’s such a helpless feeling, isn’t it?  It feels like your circumstances are way bigger than you are and that there is no help in sight.  That’s why this promise from God Himself is so powerful.
One day when I was studying, God began to show me about His “power words.”  If you look at this scripture, what word stands out to you as an absolute?
The answer is “everything.”  It means every thing!!  Every little thing!  Every big thing!  EVERY thing!!  That’s God’s power word to you.  Now read it again:
“God makes EVERY thing come out right.”
That’s one of those “You shouldn’t have said it unless you meant it” times!!  If God said it, we can believe it—just like a child!!
Today’s assignment:
1.       Think about the things in your life that are not right.  Make a list of them in your journal.

2.       Write Psalms 103:6a in your journal beside your list.

3.      Form a prayer, thanking Him for what He is doing in your situations.

4.      Then go on to read Psalms 103 in The Message:

God is sheer mercy and grace;
      not easily angered, he's rich in love.
   He doesn't endlessly nag and scold,
      nor hold grudges forever.
   He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve,
      nor pay us back in full for our wrongs.
   As high as heaven is over the earth,
      so strong is his love to those who fear him.
   And as far as sunrise is from sunset,
      he has separated us from our sins.
   As parents feel for their children,
      God feels for those who fear him.
   He knows us inside and out,
      keeps in mind that we're made of mud.

5.       Think about what a good Father He is and thank Him for that!
Father, it is beyond my comprehension how much you love me.  You are willing to forgive my mistakes and You understand that I am just a person who has shortcomings.  I thank You that before the beginning of time, You knew that Adam and Eve were going to mess up and You already had a plan in place to keep me close to You.  You sent Jesus to the cross of all of sin (mine included) so that You and I could have fellowship today.  That totally amazes me and I am so grateful.  Thank You, wonderful God.  Amen.
NOTE:  As you read God’s word in the days to come, watch for His “power words.”  They are what they are—powerful words!!!  Never again am I going to read over them like I have in the past.

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