Day 23 God Means What He Says
Hebrews 4:12 (New International Version)
12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Let’s take this scripture apart so we can get every aspect of the revelation that God wants us to have.
1. The word of God is alive.
2. The word of God is active.
3. The word of God is sharp.
Sharp, meaning it is like a sharp knife that cuts between the lies and the truth.
When I was little I used to watch my dad fillet fish. First of all he had to have a very sharp knife. He would cut just right so he could lift off the meat so he could see the bones of the fish. He would slide his sharp knife under the bones and they would lift off all in one piece.
That’s the way God’s word is. It exposes the truth and then lifts off the lies…..separates them, if you will.
In our daily existence, we have both the truth and the lies available to us. If we believe lies, they become a part of our belief system. They influence how we think, how we feel, how we act, the choices we make, etc. The result is disillusionment, depression, despair, in that order.
If we seek after the truth in every situation, we have peace and joy.
You might be saying to yourself, “I need that peace and joy, but how do I get it?”
First of all, we will never experience true and lasting peace without making Jesus Christ our Lord. (See Days 13 and 14 for further explanation.) We may experience peace for an hour or maybe even for a day but true and lasting peace, comes only in being a child of God.
Secondly, if the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Truth” like the Word says, then we want to receive Him in His fullness. We need all the truth we can get, right?
Thirdly, God’s word is truth. Hebrews 4: 12 in The Message Bible says, “God means what He says.” Wow!! God Almighty (think of it!) means what He says!! I would say we could count on that!!
So let’s open our hearts and let the great “surgeon” do surgery and remove the things from us that are not true. Then (unlike the fish), He will put us back together---whole and complete!!
Today’s Assignment:
1. Go to your designated place at your designated time and have your meeting with God.
2. Read and think on these scriptures:
Being part of the family of God:
Romans 8: 15-16 NIV
John 1: 12 NIV
John 3: 1-7 NIV
The Spirit of Truth (The Holy Spirit)
John 14: 16-18 NIV
John 16:13 NIV
Romans 8: 5-6 NIV
Psalms 25:5 NIV
3. Talk to God and ask Him to fill you with the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that you might know and understand truth from His perspective.
Father, I am starting to realize just how alive Your words are and how they can and will change my life for the better if I only turn to You in every situation. Father, help me to do that. Help me to train myself to go to you in each and every situation in my life. I so want to live in the peace and joy that is available to me. Thank You, Father for walking with me today. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for leading me into all the truth. Amen.
NOTE: You may be wondering what all the letters are behind the scriptures. They are translations of the Bible. I use several different translations so that I can get the clearest understanding of what He is saying to me.
Here are some of those translations:
NIV New International Version
AMP Amplified Version
TM The Message (Not a translation, but an
Interpretation, yet it is still very good.)
NLT New Living Translation
NKJV New King James Version
NAS New American Standard
All of these and more can be found on
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