Day 18 God Loves Me
Isaiah 54:10 (The Message)
For even if the mountains walk away and the hills fall to pieces, My love won't walk away from you, my covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart." The God who has compassion on you says so.
Read that last line again! God says so. Every time I come to “Thus says the Lord,” or “The Lord God of Israel says,” or “Thus says the Lord of Hosts, “ I stop to think---God is actually speaking to me! Amazing!! I used to read over those words but now that God is becoming more personal, those words mean so much to me. Just think of it—The Lord God if Israel is personally speaking to you and me!
And what is He telling us in this verse?? “My love won’t walk away from you…” That means He doesn’t get discouraged when I mess up. When I step out of faith and start to worry, He doesn’t withhold His love for me.
That’s why these meetings with God are so important. Even if my body wants to stay under the covers, I know how much fun it is to be with someone who loves you. When my husband and I were getting to know each other, we drove to meet one another every weekend. On some of those wintery weekends in northern Minnesota we drove anyway. We drove when we were tired after a long week of teaching school. We drove because we were excited about being together and we willing to pay the price. God looks forward to His meeting with us. Can you imagine that?? He waits for us. He longs to see us and spend time with us. The Almighty God of the universe makes time for you and I. Amazing!!
Today’s Assignment:
1. Read Isaiah 54: 17 TMB and write in your journal: “God’s promise to me: He promises to see to it that everything works out for the best in my situation. It’s His decree to me.
2. Read Psalms 138:8 NKJV and NIV. Write down those things that concern you. Then look up the word “perfect” in the dictionary. Because He loves you, He is perfecting what concerns you.
3. Read Psalms 136 TMB, and let God speak to your heart. It’s His personal declaration to you.
Father, thank You for loving me and promising to bring me peace in every situation that is a concern to me. I know that You do not throw Your words around lightly. They are important to You and they are important to me. I wake up with them and wrap them around me. I go to sleep with them and cover myself with them. Thank You for Your peace, O Lord. Amen.
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