Day 47 Nothing Is Impossible With God
Luke 1:37 (The Message)
36-38"And did you know that your cousin Elizabeth conceived a son, old as she is? Everyone called her barren, and here she is six months pregnant! Nothing, you see, is impossible with God."
The disgrace that was upon Elizabeth’s life was that she was barren. She could not conceive children and now she was well beyond the years of child bearing.
I am learning that God loves the dramatic and it’s never too late with God!! Do you have some dreams that you have given up on because they did not come to pass?
Well, God would have you to know today that He wants to refresh, restore and renew those dreams and bring them to pass for you. For …”Nothing you see, is impossible with God.”
If you have seen in the Word of God what God wants you to have, then you qualify. God wants to intervene and accomplish that for you. And why?? So that He can get the glory and many would come to know Him through your testimony!!
He wants to go beyond us in our limitations and do what He has promised in His Word He would do. The only thing we have to do is believe that what God has said in His Word is the truth.
Today’s Assignment:
1. Read the following scriptures and talk to God about the circumstances in your life.
Jeremiah 29: 11
I Corinthians 2: 9
Ephesians 3:20
2. Ask God to show you in His Word what He has for you. Then use every opportunity to increase your faith through reading His Word. I personally like to have a good devotional which will guide me into the scriptures and help me to understand them.
3. Remember to carve out a time when you can meet with Him in His Word. (See Day 1 for a detailed explanation of meeting with God.)
4. Ask God to get you into a church or a Bible Study group where your faith will be strengthened on a regular basis. We must feed our faith for it to grow and thrive.
Father, position me where I can hear from you. Put me with people of faith so I can increase my knowledge of Your promises for me. I want to starve my doubts and my fears. Thank You, God for Your faithfulness to me. Amen.