Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 43   God Reveals Hidden Things
Daniel 2:22   (New International Version, ©2010)
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;  He knows what lies in darkness,  and light dwells with Him.
Wherever God is, there is light.  He is the Light.  So it stands to reason that if we are in the dark about something, we should go to the light.
We have heard the saying, “there is light at the end of the tunnel.”  When we are in the dark about something and we know where the light is, we would be silly to stand there in the dark.  It’s time to move toward the light—the light that would end the darkness.
When we are in a dark place—the place where we do not have the answers we need and the place where we cannot see where to go--we can move toward God and receive the His light.
Let’s get over near the Light so we can see!!  God has answers to the questions that we don’t even know to ask!!   Maybe we don’t even know how to phrase the question.  He will give us the question to ask and then turn around and answer it for us.  Amazing!!
Then there are the little questions like, What is going on here?   What am I doing?   Where am I going? 
He answers those too.  I am so glad He fits in my practical life.  Aren't you?
One of the questions that I ask on a daily basis is, “What do You want me to do?” and “How do You want me to do it?”  God has such a wonderful way of suggesting things that I had never thought of and it always ends up simple and effective.
We are talking about practical questions today but we can also ask God about those deep concerns we have that will help us to move along on our journey.  God will reveal the hindrances and road blocks so we don’t get hung up and sit in a stagnant place for days, months and even years.
God is all about light because He is the Light.  As you move closer to Him, you will see things more clearly.
Today’s Assignment:
1.      Read the following scriptures:
I John 1: 5
John 1:9

Psalms 119: 130
Psalms 119: 105
2.      Write down in your journal a practical question that will make your day go easier?  Now ask God the question out loud?  Then keep that question in the forefront of your mind as you continue on with your day.  You can ask it over and over if you like.

James 4:2b says,  “… do not have because you do not ask.”

Purpose in your heart to begin asking God about everything.   You will be training your spirit to receive answers from the Holy Spirit and then you can succeed at everything you do.
I am so glad that You shed Your light on my life so that I can see what I need to do and how to do it.  Thank You for showing me the things that I need to understand so I can be successful.  Teach me Lord to wait on You and to hear You in the little things and the big things.  Thank You, God.  Amen.

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