Day 41 and 42
We’ve talked a lot about “promises” these last five days. The greatest Promise is that of Jesus Christ coming to earth to save us. All through the Old Testament a Savior was prophesied of. Here are just a few but there are many, many!!
· Isaiah 7:14
· Isaiah 9:6
· Isaiah 53
As you read through the Psalms and the book of Isaiah especially, you will see Jesus spoken of.
So let’s go to the New Testament and see the actual fulfillment of the Old Testament promise of Jesus Christ. It might be well to read it in a completely different version of the Bible since it is such a familiar passage. Keep in mind that if God has given you a personal promise, it too will be fulfilled!!
I am going to give you this from The Message Bible:
Luke 2: It was just an ordinary day. The shepherds were out watching their sheep on an ordinary day.
Vs. 9 “Suddenly…..(right in the middle of ordinary)..God’s glory blazed round them. They were terrified. (I think I would be too!) The angel said, ‘Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event…”
Then the angel went on to speak of Jesus’ birth. Because of Jesus’, all the promises in the New Testament are available to us. Jesus made all of them possible for you and for me.
Be encouraged today that God is always working for your good.
Read Isaiah 9: 6 in The Message Bible. It lists the four names of God
· Amazing Counselor
· Strong God
· Eternal Father
· Prince of Wholeness
Do you need counsel? God is an “Amazing Counselor.”
Do you need strength? God is a “Strong God.”
Do you need someone you can count on for the long haul? God is the “Eternal Father.”
Do you have things broken in your life…your body perhaps, or your marriage, or your job? Whatever is broken God will fix, because He is the “Prince of Wholeness.”
I don’t know about you but that encourages me!! TMB goes on to say, “….there’ll be no limits to the wholeness He brings.” I like that, don’t you??
Go back through your journal and read through some of the things that God is showing you from His words.
Highlight those words of encouragement and the next time you feel a little down, go there and read the highlighted words. What a blessing that will be.
If you haven’t started a journal yet, you can start right now. Go get yourself a notebook, write the date on the blank page and say, “Teach me to hear Your voice God.”
Then go to a scripture like Psalms 91 and let Him talk to you through those promises. I promise you, peace will come!!
Father, thank You that You want to talk to me. Thank You for the promise of Jesus Christ that has already been fulfilled and because of Jesus all the other promises are available to me. Continue to teach me what they are, God. I love You. Amen.
Side Note: If you come to my blog, and notice the blog was the same as yesterday, it’s because I may be out of town, spending time with David or our grandkids, or just having a “day.” God still wants to meet with you. Use these days to read a book, listen to a CD, etc. Continue to fill your gas tank with spiritual things so you can keep moving along on your journey. God bless your day!
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