Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 45     God Has Secrets For Me

Deuteronomy 29:29 (New International Version, ©2010)

 29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
God loves to “reveal things” to those who ask.  When He does, it would be wise for us to write them down in our journals because a “revealed thing” from God will mean a great deal to us as time goes on.
Here’s an example:  I found myself getting concerned about things that I had no control over.  I kind of wished I had control so I could take care of it, but through repeated tries, I knew that I did not.  None the less, the concern for it kept coming upon me and I wanted to take care of it. 
One  day when I was praying with my prayer partner, this phrase came out of her:  “I don’t care!!  My Father is taking care of it for me!”
It was the first three words that hit my heart and I knew that was a “revealed thing” to me and it was going to prove very helpful in the days to come.
The very next day, I hit a “care project” head on—you know one of those very personal things.  I smiled and walked away, remembering the words that I had heard from heaven the day before:
I don’t care!!!
(My Father is staking care of it for me!)
I began to say those first three little words over and over again until the care of it lifted off of me.
When God reveals things to us, sometimes it comes in the form of a scripture (with chapter and verse) and sometimes in the form of a phrase straight from the mouth of the Holy Spirit.  Either one works just fine for me!!
God wants us to know these things.  On purpose He has hidden them for us (not from us) and He wants us to come to Him and get them.  That’s our wonderful God!
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Read the following scriptures:

Luke 8: 17
Matthew 10:26
Luke 12:2

2.      Give God an invitation to show you “great and mighty things that you do not know,” (Jeremiah 33:3) and then get ready because He will!!

3.       Begin to ask God about having a “prayer partner.”  It should be a person who is available when you are and who is as hungry for God as you are.  Pray and wait for God to bring your prayer partner to you.
You are so amazing, God.  It would be just like you to keep these words hidden until I really needed them.  I know what I hear from you, it is strategic for the thing that I need help with in my life.  Thank You so much, my wonderful Father.  And oh yes, would you send me just the right person to be my "prayer partner?"  Thank You.  Amen.

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