Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 47    Nothing Is Impossible With God
Luke 1:37 (The Message)
 36-38"And did you know that your cousin Elizabeth conceived a son, old as she is? Everyone called her barren, and here she is six months pregnant! Nothing, you see, is impossible with God."
The disgrace that was upon Elizabeth’s life was that she was barren.  She could not conceive children and now she was well beyond the years of child bearing.
I am learning that God loves the dramatic and it’s never too late with God!!  Do you have some dreams that you have given up on because they did not come to pass?
Well, God would have you to know today that He wants to refresh, restore and renew those dreams and bring them to pass for you.  For …”Nothing you see, is impossible with God.”
If you have seen in the Word of God what God wants you to have, then you qualify.  God wants to  intervene and accomplish that  for you.  And why?? So that He can get the glory and many would come to know Him through your testimony!!
He wants to go beyond us in our limitations and do what He has promised in His Word He would do.  The only thing we have to do is believe that what God has said in His Word ­is the truth.
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Read the following scriptures and talk to God about the circumstances in your life.

Jeremiah 29: 11
I Corinthians 2: 9
Ephesians 3:20

2.       Ask God to show you in His Word what He has for you.  Then use every opportunity to increase your faith through reading His Word.  I personally like to have a good devotional which will guide me into the scriptures and help me to understand them. 

3.      Remember to carve out a time when you can meet with Him in His Word.  (See Day 1 for a detailed explanation of meeting with God.)

4.      Ask God to get you into a church or a Bible Study group where your faith will be strengthened on a regular basis.  We must feed our faith for it to grow and thrive.

Father, position me where I can hear from you.  Put me with people of faith so I can increase my knowledge of Your promises for me.  I want to starve my doubts and my fears.  Thank You, God for Your faithfulness to me.  Amen.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 46     God With Us
Luke 2:9  (The Message)
An Event for Everyone
 8-12There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep.

Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them……. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event ….”

It was just an ordinary day.  No big deal.  The sheepherders were doing their thing---the same ole’ thing that did every day……watching those sheep.
“Suddenly” God broke into their day!!
How would you like to have God break into your “ordinary day??”  That was good news for those guys on the hillside and its good news for us because He still is breaking in to people’s ordinary days.
The angel announced the Good News!!  The thing that they had waited on for years was finally there.  They could finally see and touch the Promise for themselves.
Do you have a promise or two that you haven’t seen yet?  The One Who has broken through for you came as a babe in a manger.  He grew up, went to the cross, died, was buried and rose again.  I would say that was the ultimate “breaking through.”   He fulfilled His destiny and made it possible for us to fulfill ours. 
So wherever you are,  I have good news:  Because of Jesus Christ, whatever you are going through, you are going through, and you will come out on the other side, just like He did.
Now that’s good news!!
Simeon and Anna waited in “prayerful expectancy.”  (Vs. 25)  If you are waiting in “prayerful expectancy,” here’s what you can expect:
My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people….”
Because of Jesus Christ, you can expect to see the things that He has promised you! 
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Write down those things that you feel God has promised you.  (Remember, His Word is filled with promises for His children.  They were written for you!!)
2.      Read Jeremiah 1:12 in The Message:

And God said, “Good eyes!  I’m sticking with you and I’ll make every word I give you come true.”

Spend some time thanking Him for that!

3.       Read Luke 2 and put yourself in the place of those sheepherders.  Receive the good news and go to the place where He is.
Father, my Father, You never cease to amaze me!!  Every day you encourage me.  Every day you bring light into my darkness.  Every day you bring Your words of life to me.  I thank You so much!   Amen.

How Do I receive Christ as my Lord and my Savior:
Note:  Maybe you are thinking, “I don’t feel like I am a part of this.  It’s like I am outside looking in.”

 I want you to know that Jesus’ arms are wide open to you.  They were opened at the cross because of His overwhelming love for you.  (John 3:16)   Right now He is calling you unto Himself.  He knows that you are not perfect.  You don’t have to be to come to Him.  That’s why He went to the cross in the first place---for your sins.  Yes, for the sins of the whole world, but personally for your sins.

You can come into His outstretched arms and find rest for your soul.  You can put your head upon His chest and hear the beating of His heart of love for you.

We’ve all sinned and He died for all of us.  Some of us come to Him and some do not.  This is your time to come!!  You are not reading this by accident.  God is calling you to come right now!

Take a few minutes and meet Him at these verses below.  Let Him speak to you through them.
We are all sinners:
Romans 3: 10, 23,    Romans 5:8,     Romans 6:23
We can ask God to forgive us:
Romans 10:13,    Acts 3: 19
We can put out trust in Jesus and become His child.
John 1:12
We can confess that Jesus is our Lord:
Romans 10: 9-10

As you ask forgiveness of your sins and express your desire to live for Him, you will enter the family of God and never feel on the outside again!!
It’s time to pray.  Let me help you.
Father, I understand that Jesus Christ went to the cross and shed His blood for me.  I also understand by the scriptures that I am a sinner.  Jesus, forgive me for all my sins.
 (Let them come to mind.  Then see yourself giving them to Him.  As soon as they are in His hands, they disappear forever!!  Amazing!!)

Be my Lord and my Savior.  I commit my whole life into Your capable hands. 
Father, help me to hear Your instruction and direction  and help me to live for You all the days of my life.
Thank You.  Amen.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 45     God Has Secrets For Me

Deuteronomy 29:29 (New International Version, ©2010)

 29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
God loves to “reveal things” to those who ask.  When He does, it would be wise for us to write them down in our journals because a “revealed thing” from God will mean a great deal to us as time goes on.
Here’s an example:  I found myself getting concerned about things that I had no control over.  I kind of wished I had control so I could take care of it, but through repeated tries, I knew that I did not.  None the less, the concern for it kept coming upon me and I wanted to take care of it. 
One  day when I was praying with my prayer partner, this phrase came out of her:  “I don’t care!!  My Father is taking care of it for me!”
It was the first three words that hit my heart and I knew that was a “revealed thing” to me and it was going to prove very helpful in the days to come.
The very next day, I hit a “care project” head on—you know one of those very personal things.  I smiled and walked away, remembering the words that I had heard from heaven the day before:
I don’t care!!!
(My Father is staking care of it for me!)
I began to say those first three little words over and over again until the care of it lifted off of me.
When God reveals things to us, sometimes it comes in the form of a scripture (with chapter and verse) and sometimes in the form of a phrase straight from the mouth of the Holy Spirit.  Either one works just fine for me!!
God wants us to know these things.  On purpose He has hidden them for us (not from us) and He wants us to come to Him and get them.  That’s our wonderful God!
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Read the following scriptures:

Luke 8: 17
Matthew 10:26
Luke 12:2

2.      Give God an invitation to show you “great and mighty things that you do not know,” (Jeremiah 33:3) and then get ready because He will!!

3.       Begin to ask God about having a “prayer partner.”  It should be a person who is available when you are and who is as hungry for God as you are.  Pray and wait for God to bring your prayer partner to you.
You are so amazing, God.  It would be just like you to keep these words hidden until I really needed them.  I know what I hear from you, it is strategic for the thing that I need help with in my life.  Thank You so much, my wonderful Father.  And oh yes, would you send me just the right person to be my "prayer partner?"  Thank You.  Amen.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 44    God Gives Us His Wisdom

Daniel 2:23 (New International Version, ©2010)
 I thank and praise you, God of my ancestors:  You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you….
 Yesterday in Daniel 2:22 we learned that God will show us “deep and hidden things.”  Today we find that He has wisdom to give us and power to give us.  Another word for “power” is ability.  Do you ever feel like you just can’t make it—you just don’t have what it takes to keep going?
You can tap into God’s wisdom and God’s ability.  Now that will put you up where you belong instead of at the bottom of the barrel, looking up!
God will lift us up, give us strength and put us over.  All He wants us to do is ask.   If a child comes to his mom or dad and sincerely asks for help, a good parent will do what it takes to help the child.  God is the ultimate parent and He will do far more than any earthly parent could do.
We can ask for wisdom if we don’t know something.  Here is His promise to us:

 James 1:5 (Amplified Bible)

5If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.
Daniel needed wisdom and ability and he needed it quick.  He could have lost his life if he was not able to interpret the king’s dream.  Now that’s pressure!!  God came through for Daniel and God will come through for you too.  Just ask!
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Write down those things that seem bigger than you.

2.      Ask God for his “power” or ability to deal with those particular things.  (Write your prayer if it helps.)

3.      Make a note in your journal when the answer comes.  And be sure to thank Him for His faithfulness!!
Thank You that I am not alone and that all I have to do is ask and You will supply me with Your wisdom and Your ability.  That gives me such confidence, God, and You know that I need that!!  Thank You so much!!  Amen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 43   God Reveals Hidden Things
Daniel 2:22   (New International Version, ©2010)
22 He reveals deep and hidden things;  He knows what lies in darkness,  and light dwells with Him.
Wherever God is, there is light.  He is the Light.  So it stands to reason that if we are in the dark about something, we should go to the light.
We have heard the saying, “there is light at the end of the tunnel.”  When we are in the dark about something and we know where the light is, we would be silly to stand there in the dark.  It’s time to move toward the light—the light that would end the darkness.
When we are in a dark place—the place where we do not have the answers we need and the place where we cannot see where to go--we can move toward God and receive the His light.
Let’s get over near the Light so we can see!!  God has answers to the questions that we don’t even know to ask!!   Maybe we don’t even know how to phrase the question.  He will give us the question to ask and then turn around and answer it for us.  Amazing!!
Then there are the little questions like, What is going on here?   What am I doing?   Where am I going? 
He answers those too.  I am so glad He fits in my practical life.  Aren't you?
One of the questions that I ask on a daily basis is, “What do You want me to do?” and “How do You want me to do it?”  God has such a wonderful way of suggesting things that I had never thought of and it always ends up simple and effective.
We are talking about practical questions today but we can also ask God about those deep concerns we have that will help us to move along on our journey.  God will reveal the hindrances and road blocks so we don’t get hung up and sit in a stagnant place for days, months and even years.
God is all about light because He is the Light.  As you move closer to Him, you will see things more clearly.
Today’s Assignment:
1.      Read the following scriptures:
I John 1: 5
John 1:9

Psalms 119: 130
Psalms 119: 105
2.      Write down in your journal a practical question that will make your day go easier?  Now ask God the question out loud?  Then keep that question in the forefront of your mind as you continue on with your day.  You can ask it over and over if you like.

James 4:2b says,  “…..you do not have because you do not ask.”

Purpose in your heart to begin asking God about everything.   You will be training your spirit to receive answers from the Holy Spirit and then you can succeed at everything you do.
I am so glad that You shed Your light on my life so that I can see what I need to do and how to do it.  Thank You for showing me the things that I need to understand so I can be successful.  Teach me Lord to wait on You and to hear You in the little things and the big things.  Thank You, God.  Amen.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 41 and 42
We’ve talked a lot about “promises” these last five days.  The greatest Promise is that of Jesus Christ coming to earth to save us.  All through the Old Testament a Savior was prophesied of.  Here are just a few but there are many, many!!
·         Isaiah 7:14
·         Isaiah 9:6
·         Isaiah 53
As you read through the Psalms and the book of Isaiah especially, you will see Jesus spoken of. 
So let’s go to the New Testament and see the actual fulfillment of the Old Testament promise of Jesus Christ.  It might be well to read it in a completely different version of the Bible since it is such a familiar passage.  Keep in mind that if God has given you a personal promise, it too will be fulfilled!!
I am going to give you this from The Message Bible:
Luke 2:   It was just an ordinary day.  The shepherds were out watching their sheep on an ordinary day.
Vs. 9  “Suddenly…..(right in the middle of ordinary)..God’s glory blazed round them.  They were terrified.  (I think I would be too!) The angel said, ‘Don’t be afraid.  I’m here to announce a great and joyful event…”
Then the angel went on to speak of Jesus’ birth.  Because of Jesus’, all the promises in the New Testament are available to us.  Jesus made all of them possible for you and for me.
Be encouraged today that God is always working for your good. 
Read Isaiah 9: 6 in The Message Bible.  It lists the four names of God
·         Amazing Counselor
·         Strong God
·         Eternal Father
·         Prince of Wholeness
Do you need counsel?  God is an “Amazing Counselor.”
Do you need strength?  God is a “Strong God.”
Do you need someone you can count on for the long haul?  God is the “Eternal Father.”
Do you have things broken in your life…your body perhaps, or your marriage, or your job?  Whatever is broken God will fix, because He is the “Prince of Wholeness.”
I don’t know about you but that encourages me!!  TMB goes on to say, “….there’ll be no limits to the wholeness He brings.”  I like that, don’t you??
Go back through your journal and read through some of the things that God is showing you from His words.
Highlight those words of encouragement and the next time you feel a little down, go there and read the highlighted words.  What a blessing that will be.
If you haven’t started a journal yet, you can start right now.  Go get yourself a notebook, write the date on the blank page and say, “Teach me to hear Your voice God.”
Then go to a scripture like Psalms 91 and let Him talk to you through those promises.  I promise you, peace will come!!
Father, thank You that You want to talk to me.  Thank You for the promise of Jesus Christ that has already been fulfilled and because of Jesus all the other promises are available to me.  Continue to teach me what they are, God.  I love You.  Amen.
Side Note:  If you come to my blog, and notice the blog was the same as yesterday, it’s because I may be out of town, spending time with David or our grandkids, or just having a “day.”  God still wants to meet with you.  Use these days to read a book, listen to a CD, etc.  Continue to fill your gas tank with spiritual things so you can keep moving along on your journey.  God bless your day!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 40      God Wants Us to Rest In Him
Hebrews 4:9-10 (New International Version, ©2010)
9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.
The best kind of rest comes after the work is done.  In the first book of Genesis, God created the world in six days and then rested on the seventh.  After the work was completed, He rested.
That’s what He wants us to do.  So what is the “work” that we are supposed to be doing??  Take a look at yesterday’s assignment.  List your concerns and find a promise for each one.  (See Day 39 in the archives).
Then spend some time thanking God for each and every one of the promises He made to you.  We can practice beginning  each day thanking Him.  As concerns come up, we can ask God for His solution.
The “work” that we do should not be a burden to us, but a joy!  Spending time in intimate fellowship with the Father is a joyful experience.
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Read the following scriptures and write in your journal how they apply to your situation.

Psalms 62:1  NIV
Psalms 62:5  NIV
Psalms 91:1 NIV

2.      Read Isaiah 30: 15 and spend some time evaluating your times with God as opposed to the times you tried to manage things on your own.

3.      Choose one or two areas of your life that you need to turn over to God and decide just how you are going to do that each and every day.  If you have a plan, you will be more focused.

Father, help me to do the “work” that is necessary so that I can come into a place of faith in you.  I know that when I am in faith, that I am in a place of rest and trust in You.  Help me stay connected through your Word.  Amen.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 39        God Keeps His Promises
Genesis 28:15 (New International Version, ©2010)
15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
So after reading this, I realized that I will have to know what His promises are.  When we read the Bible we run across these promises and they are not just words.  They are a “Daddy’s” promise to His children—that’s you and me!!
For example, yesterday we learned:

John 14:26 (New International Version, ©2010)

26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
He promises to teach us the things we need to know.  When I have a problem,  I can turn to Him and say, “Teach me about that Lord.”  He said He would teach me all things.  Think about it—all things.  That doesn’t leave much out, does it?
As I began to meet with God on a regular basis and run across one of His promises in the Word, I would say,  “Really??  Is that really for me??”
How about this one??

Philippians 4:19 (New International Version, ©2010)

19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
There’s that word again—all.  I wonder if that really means all?? 
This is one of my favorites:

Isaiah 45:2-3 (New International Version, ©2010)

2 I will go before you
   and will level the mountains;
I will break down gates of bronze
   and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
   riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the LORD,
   the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

Ever feel like you have a mountain that stands in your way??  Have you ever felt hemmed in and unable to move?  Trapped in a situation??  Well, here is His promise to you.  He will level your mountain.  He will break down the barriers and cut through the obstacles in your way.  And if that is not enough, He will give you hidden treasures in secret places just because He wants you to know that He knows your name and your circumstance.  Now we can really encourage ourselves with that good word!!
Just say:  “Did you really mean that, Lord, because I see it written there and I know you wouldn’t have put it there unless you meant it?”
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Write down the things in your life that are on the “front burner.”

·         Do you have sickness in your body?
·         Do you have bills that need to be paid and no means of paying them?
·         Is there a problem with a family member with no possible means of reconciliation?      
·         Are you lonely and in need of a friend or maybe even in need of a family?
Whatever your need is, God has a promise for it.

2.       If you need help in finding God’s promise for your need, head out to your nearest Christian bookstore and get yourself one of those little Pocket Promise Books.  They are priceless!!  You will be holding a gold mine in your hand.

3.       Take some time over the next few days and write down a promise or two for  each of your needs or concerns.  I promise you that you will be amazed!!

4.      Read John 14:26 and write down the two promises from God that you see

5.       Spend time thanking God for each one of His promises for you.

Father, teach me what I need to know.  Open Your Word to me and help me to make it real in my life.  Thank You for all Your wonderful promises.  Forgive me for reading over them and help me to make them personal.  Thank You, wonderful Father.  Amen.