Day 62 and 63
The past five days we have talked about being a “believer.” We saw that Abraham received the promise because he decided to believe. It was a decision on his part.
1. Go over the “assignments” for the past five days and write in your journal how they apply to you.
2. Read Exodus 33:13 again and write a prayer based on this scripture. If you have already done that, pray it again. It’s always good to ask God to teach you the things you will need to know in order for your faith to be strengthened.
3. The world says, “seeing is believing,” but a Christian says, “knowing is believing.” If you know something to be true, you believe it. You trust the source and you believe.
4. Trusting is not always easy because of past experiences when people we’re not trustworthy. Maybe you became skeptical-- even to the point where you said in your hearts, “I can only trust myself.”
I’m going to ask you a very important question that I want you to think about:
“How’s that workin’ for you?”
When God asked me that very question, I had to admit that it wasn’t working at all!!
5. Have a talk with God about that. I think you will come to the realization like I did, that nothing without God works for very long!! You end up back where you started over and over again!!
6. Spend these two days locating any areas of mistrust and lay them before God in prayer. I can promise you, that if you are sincere about giving these areas to Him, He will prove Himself trustworthy.
It’s time to give Him every area of your life!
God bless you,