Day 58 I Am Sure Of It
Ephesians 1:17-19 (Amplified Bible)
17[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,
In order to be a believer, we have to know and understand what God wants in every situation. We have to know what to believe.
By this time you are probably serious about your “meetings with God.” You are meeting with Him on a regular basis and you are developing a pattern of dialogue with Him. If that is not the case, you might want to go back into the archives and click on Day One.
My suggestion would be to use your “meeting” time to go back over some of the assignments. Feel free to ask Him questions and expect that He will show you the answer.
Remember it’s a journey that you are on. No one is behind. I designed the blog in such a way that no one would feel like they are behind. Please do---start at the beginning and take the journey one day at a time. If you find yourself “staying over” somewhere too long, pack up your things and continue your journey. And remember—you are not behind.
In John 11 is the story of Lazarus. This was a sad time—a desperate time—yet Martha knew one thing. Go to Vs. 22. It says, “But I know that even now God will give You whatever You ask.”
Whatever Jesus said, Martha knew God would do for Him. You might say, “Yah, but that was Jesus.” Listen to this In John 15:7. “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.”
He’s talking about you (and me) here!! We know from experience that there are casual relationships and there are closer relationships. In a close relationship, we share our hearts and what we know to be true. We ask questions of the other person and we get an understanding of things.
God so wants that close relationship with each of us so that He can give us His wisdom, His understanding and His knowledge. When we know His final word on a subject, we can believe Him. Thus we become a “believer.”
Today’s assignment:
1. Go to this song and let it sink into your soul.
Note: At the chorus of the song, you will feel like you are in a car, traveling down the road. That’s your journey!
2. Look up these scriptures and write them in your journal. (Somewhere along the way, I promise you, you will want to refer to them.)
James 2:23
Job 29:4
Romans 12:19
3. Now think of yourself sitting across from your “Friend” and tell Him about the thing in your life that concerns you the most. Ask Him for His wisdom. Ask Him to help you understand it. Write your questions in your journal.
4. You may get insight right then and there or you may get it as you are going on about your day. When you do, write the answer in your journal.
God, it is so amazing to me that You are my Friend—that You want to talk to me and help me through my concerns and my situations. Thank You, that every day You pour out your love to me. You are truly amazing!
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