Day 51 Praise Stills The Avenger
Psalm 8:1-2 (New International Version, ©2010)
1 LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.
2 Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
2 Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
This verse says that when we praise God, He establishes a “stronghold against (our) enemies…”
I like to think of that stronghold as a restraining order. My foes are now off limits!! Yes, the enemy will still lie to us and try to get us to focus on Him, but the truth is-Jesus already went to the cross and destroyed the works of the enemy.
It’s good to locate our enemy and know what he is trying to do. Then we can point our finger at him and say, “No more. Because of Jesus, I belong to the family of God and your power over me was defeated 2,000 years ago on the cross!!” Then we just turn to our future, put a song in our mouth, and keep walking forward. He is defeated and he knows it. Our praise will silence him.
Praise, however is usually the last thing we feel like doing when we experience distressing thoughts, feelings, and emotions. That’s why I believe we must develop a life of praise. If we make praise a lifestyle, then our hearts will be at peace and we are strengthened.. No longer do we feel vulnerable and alone. God is right beside us, walking with us, guiding us and saying, “Come with Me. I have a good plan for you!”
Today’s Assignment:
1. Look up the following scriptures and make them into a prayer between you and God.
Write them in your journal. Remember to keep it simple and to use ordinary everyday language.
I John 3:8 b Jesus destroyed the works of the enemy.
Luke 10:19 All authority has been given to me.
I Peter 5: 8-9 Our enemy “roars like a lion.” That does mean he is a lion. Withstand him!! Then read verse 7 in the Amplified Bible.
John 8:44 All the devil can do is lie and try to convince us that it is the truth. Lying is his native language!
Nehemiah 8:10 When we lose our joy, we become vulnerable and we are weakened. If we stay in a place of praise, we walk in a place of strength.
2. Organize your praise CD’s so you have them at your fingertips. Put them in your car, in your living room, on your iPod or computer and fill yourself with praise.
If you do not have a praise CD, go to your local Christian bookstore and purchase one. Begin to build a library of praise music. This will keep you in a state of gladness as you develop a lifestyle of praising God.
God, thank You that I am not in this alone and that You are teaching me to walk in peace and in joy. Continue to teach me about the authority You have provided for me. Thank You, Lord. Amen.
Praise music is a powerful thing!