Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 48 and 49
We are approaching the 50th day of our “meetings with God.”  Let me review the instructions:
1.       Determine a time and a place to meet with God.

2.       Go to that place at the same time every day.

3.      Open your “Prayer Journal” * and write the date on the top of the page.

4.      Read my blog or another devotional and go over each of the scriptures. 

5.      Ask God questions.  Ask Him to clarify things for you that you do not understand.  Ask God to reveal Himself to you personally.

*Prayer Journal:  It can be a spiral notebook or one of those beautiful “wordless books” that you can write in.  I personally use a six ring notebook so I can add articles, devotions and other confirmations to my journal.  An old day timer works great!!  My Prayer Journal looks more like a scrap book.  I even tape things in that confirm what God is showing me.   You don’t have to be that detailed, but you can if you like!!
I really encourage you to start with Day 1(from the archives).  If you are just joining me, you are not behind.  Everyone starts their journey from the beginning and travels at their own pace.
The important thing is to keep going.  These “meetings with God,” will cause you to know Him on a more personal basis.  You will develop an understanding of His goodness towards you as you read His words to you from the Bible.  You will develop spiritual ears and you will recognize when God is speaking to you.
Remember, He will be as personal to you as you want Him to be.
Father, I am asking you to meet my friend in a very personal way today.  Use the vocabulary that he or she is very familiar with.  Give them a picture story of what you want them to know and confirm what You are saying to them over and over during their day.  Thank You that in Your goodness and Your greatness, You can meet each one of us in a very unique and personal way.  We love You for that.  Amen.

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