Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 53    God Who Puts Everything Right
Jeremiah 23:6 (New International Version, ©2010)
 In his days Judah will be saved
   and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:
   The LORD Our Righteous Savior.
We have been thanking God for who He is and today we learn that He is our “Righteous Savior.”
The Message Bible describes Him this way:  “God- Who-Puts-Everything-Right.”  I like that because I have some things in my life that need to be “put right.” How about you?  We can worship God for His promise.  There is nothing in our lives that is such a mess that He cannot make it right.
Here’s what God’s plan was all along—to send Jesus to the cross for all that is wrong so that we can have an opportunity to have things right.  Does that mean everything is right?  No—but if we understand the covenant promise that deals with what is wrong, those things can get set right.
Example:  If you are diagnosed with a disease, that is a fact.  The doctors say it to you and they write it down on the chart.  The promise God has for that is found in:
            Isaiah 53:4-5
            Matthew 8:17
            I Peter 2:24
The promise is written and it is a truth that overrides the facts.  It’s up to us to embrace the truth and keep it at the forefront of our thinking and speaking.  We do that through praising “The Lord Our Righteous Savior” – the “God-Who-Puts-Things-Right.”
Today’s Assignment:
1.       Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy.  (I John 3:8)  While He walked on the earth, He healed all who were brought to Him.

Look up:
            Psalms 103:3
            Matthew 4:24
            I Peter 2:24

2.      Think about it:  Jesus never turned anyone away.  He healed everyone.

3.      The only reason He could not heal was because of their unbelief.  Matthew 13:58

4.       God’s promised that He would meet all of our needs.

Look up:
            Philippians 4:19 Amplified Bible
            II Corinthians 8:9
            II Corinthians 9:8

5.      Spend some time thanking Him for the promises He made in the above scriptures. 
Father, You are God and You make all things right.  I choose to believe what You have said in Your Word above what I see and hear around me.  Help me in my meetings with you to establish Your Words deep in my heart so that I will always believe You in every situation that arises.  Thank You, Righteous Savior for setting things right in my live.  In Jesus’ name,  Amen.

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