Day 17 Making A U-Turn With God
Jeremiah 31:21 (The Message)
21-22"Set up signposts to mark your trip home.
Get a good map.
Study the road conditions.
The road out is the road back.
Get a good map.
Study the road conditions.
The road out is the road back.
We’ve never gone too far away from God to come back. The road does not disappear from behind us. It’s always there waiting for us. We can turn around and come back into the Father’s loving arms.
There is always a “road back” in God and He is very willing to turn you around as you yield to Him.
Jeremiah 31:28b (The Message)
“so now I am sticking with them as they start over, building and planting.”
Isn’t that good news?? He promises to stick with us as we start over. When we mess up, we can get a “do over.” The world does not offer that. All that is offered is guilt and condemnation. God wipes the slate clean as if it never happened and takes us on from there.
Remember those little slates that we had when we were kids—the ones with the clear plastic sheet over it and your “wrote” on it will a plastic stylist?? You would write something on the plastic and then pull the plastic up and it would disappear. That’s a “do over.” That’s what God does when we come back to Him. He wipes the slate clean of all of our sins so we can have a fresh start.
Today’s assignment:
1. Read Luke 15: 11-32 and spend some time thanking God for His love.
Realize that just as the father in this story did not hold his son’s attitude and his wrong choices against him (his sins), neither does the Father God hold our sins against us. As we ask forgiveness, He is quick to forgive. (I John 1:9)
2. If you have gotten out there too far, ask God for the road back. Ask Him how to get back there from where you are.
3. Read Jeremiah 31: 34 in The Message Bible. ( and thank God for His love!!
Father, You are so wonderful….so forgiving… willing to help me. I am so grateful for that. I know that today my slate is clean and that I have a fresh start. And the best part of that is that You promise to stick with me. Thank You, my loving Father. Amen.