Day 3 God Hears Me When I Pray
I John 5: 13-15 (The Message)
The Reality, Not the Illusion
13-15My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God's Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in His presence, freely asking according to His will, sure that He's listening. And if we're confident that He's listening, we know that what we've asked for is as good as ours.
I like that…..”know beyond a shadow of a doubt…..” I know that I know that I have eternal life. It is more real to me than my next breath. No one could ever convince me that I am not saved from my sins and not going on to heaven when my life here on earth is over. That fact has been established. (I can tell you the day and the time that it was decided!!)
So then, knowing this, I can confidently ask my Father anything according to His will and know that He hears me and not only that----but He gives me the answer. After all, it was His plan (His will) in the first place!!
That’s what this quiet time with God is all about. As you go to your designated place at your designated time, He will meet you there. As you read the Word of God, you are becoming familiar with how He talks and what He is saying. You are getting to know His voice.
He takes the words off of the page and brings them to life in your heart. Those are the words that will be highlighted in your journal. They are the ones that give meaning to your particular situation. How personal is that!!
Now here’s another promise you can sink your teeth into:
Romans 8:32 (New International Version)
32He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
What things do you need God to do in your life?
What’s broken, that needs to be fixed?
What’s out of line?
What’s missing?
Today God is saying that He gave His Son for you so it’s His great pleasure to give you everything you need, fix everything that is broken, restore everything that is lost, and much, much more!!
Today’s assignment:
1. Go over the scriptures you wrote in your journal yesterday.
2. Thank God that He spoke to you in such a personal way.
3. Ask God to continue to reveal His will to you in vocabulary that you can relate to. (God will be as personal as you want Him to be.)
Father, thank You for being so personal with me. I know you understand what I am going through today and I know that You want to bring me through victoriously. I am so grateful that I am not alone. I desire to hear what You are saying to me on a daily basis. Thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Amen.
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