Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Days 13 and 14

·         Go to your “designated place,”  at your “designated time” and review the last five “meetings” you have had with God.   These two days have been set aside so that you can get caught up if you got behind and also just spend a little more quality time in the scriptures.  Your Bible is the “roadmap” that will get you to your “there.”  You are now well on your way!!

·         Look over any questions that you may have written last week.  Did you get any answers as the week progressed?  If you did—rejoice!!  If you didn’t, ask again…and then watch and listen for the answers.  They will surely come!

·         If you wrote down your dreams (what you would like to see happen), go over them now.  If you didn’t write them down, do it now.  It doesn’t have to be long and detailed.  You may only write two words.  Here are some examples:

Migraines gone                    Finances increase
Children obedient               Marriage enriched

Of course, you can be more detailed if you like.

·         You are developing an intimate relationship with God in doing this.  You are speaking to Him and He is speaking to you.  Can you imagine what it would be like if you spoke to your husband or wife, your child, or a close friend and they did not speak back?  God who is the creator of relationships would surely not fail to operate in them.  He wants to speak to you!
Father, thank You for meeting with me today.  Help me to trust You-- that You really do want to have an intimate relationship with me.  That seems amazing to me, but if You do, I am here.  I will continue to meet with You and listen for Your voice.  Thank You, Father, for teaching me Your ways and for breaking up any misconceptions that I have had about You.  Amen.
Note:  Maybe you are thinking, “I don’t feel like I am a part of this.  It’s like I am outside looking in.”  I want you to know that Jesus’ arms are wide open to you.  They were opened at the cross because of His overwhelming love for you.  (John 3:16)   Right now He is calling you unto Himself.  He knows that you are not perfect.  You don’t have to be to come to Him.  That’s why He went to the cross in the first place---for your sins.  Yes, for the sins of the whole world, but personally for your sins.  You can come into His outstretched arms and find rest for your soul.  You can put your head upon His chest and hear the beating of His heart of love for you.

We’ve all sinned and He died for all of us.  Some of us come to Him and some do not.  This is your time to come!!  You are not reading this by accident.  God is calling you to come right now!

Take a few minutes and meet Him at these verses below.  Let Him speak to you through them.

We are all sinners:

Romans 3: 10, 23,    Romans 5:8,     Romans 6:23

We can ask God to forgive us:

Romans 10:13,    Acts 3: 19

We can put out trust in Jesus and become His child.

John 1:12

We can confess that Jesus is our Lord:

Romans 10: 9-10

As you ask forgiveness of your sins and express your desire to live for Him, you will enter the family of God and never feel on the outside again!!

It’s time to pray.  Let me help you.

Father, I understand that Jesus Christ went to the cross and shed His blood for me.  I also understand by the scriptures that I am a sinner.  Jesus, forgive me for all my sins.
 (Let them come to mind.  Then see yourself giving them to Him.  As soon as they are in His hands, they disappear forever!!  Amazing!!)
 Be my Lord and my Savior.  I commit my whole life into Your capable hands. 
Father, help me to hear Your instruction and direction  and help me to live for You all the days of my life.  Thank You.  Amen.


  1. Thank you for these days of reflection after every five days . I tend to railroad ahead and not meditate enough. These blogs are so right on- I feel God designed them just for me. I have been posting them on facebook because I cannot think of anything I would rather share with my fb friends. Thank for giving a chance to receive Jesus today! I wonder how many people have never really done that but think they are a Christian or worse think they can never be worthy to be called a child of God?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Funny you should challenge us to write down our dream list again. I have not really done that and was just composing one as I showered this morning and planned on writing it down today!

  4. Yes, dream your dreams with God. He wants us to!! He puts His dreams in our hearts and then we get to dream them.....and then we see them!! Isn't that so amazing??? God is so amazing!!
