Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 9      Discipline Leads to Destiny
Matthew 7:14 (The Message)
 13-14"Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires total attention.

When you read the title today you might have thought, “Oh no!  One more thing I have to do!”  “One more discipline I have to work into my life!”
Actually the “total attention” that God’s is talking about is just meeting with Him each day.  How easy is that??  Yes, it may mean you have to rearrange some things to make this meeting a priority, but when you find out how worthwhile it is, you will say, “Thank You God for meeting with me.  Thank You for Your direction and Your correction so I can stay on track."
God uses this meeting time with you to simplify things in your life.  He’s all about helping you get rid of the “clutter” in your life.  He also wants to rearrange things so there is a better flow.   (Can you tell that I watch those “house/decorating” shows on t.v????)
God wants things to go well with you.  He not only wants to de-clutter and rearrange but He wants to beautify, so that your life will be a testimony of His peace and His joy.  In a world where that is in short supply, God will use you to shine for Him.
Today’s Assignment:
1.       As you begin your meeting with God today, ask Him to remove anything that He wants to remove and to rearrange whatever needs rearranging in your life so that things flow better.

2.      Ask God to open your eyes so that you can see with new vision the future He has planned for you.  (Ephesians 1: 18-19)

3.      Ask Him for instructions in how to walk out of the old and into the new. He knows the way you should take.  He knows that you can get there from where you are!  (Isaiah 42: 16 TMB)

4.      Meditate on these scriptures.  If you have questions for God, write them in your journal.

Psalms 25:5    
Isaiah 42: 9 -10
Isaiah 43: 18-19
II Corinthians 5:17-21 TMB
Jeremiah 31: 28b


Father, I give you permission to de-clutter my life of any activities that are not right for me at this particular time.  Father, also go over some of my relationships with me.  Show me who to love from a distance and those who are to be up close.

Father, I lay before You all the familiar patterns of thinking and behavior that I have operated in and I ask You to rearrange things so that everything that I do, will be done effortlessly and in Your ability and not mine.

Thank You for setting me on a new course!! Amen.


  1. De-clutter coupled with what I am to do, delegate and delete! Good stuff!

  2. Where can I find TMB version- I did not see on the biblegateway site. I am not familiar with this version.

  3. It's THE MESSAGE. A wonderful tool that I have found is the parallel NIV/THE MESSAGE. I use it all the time and it makes God's voice so personal to me. Let me know if I can help you any further.

  4. Oh silly me- thanks! I love the Message bible!
