Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 15   God Gives Me Specific Directions   
Isaiah 30:21 (New International Version)
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Need direction??  Don’t we all—about one thing or another—about big things and even about little things.
When we find ourselves in an adverse situation, God knows the way out.  When I read this scripture, I think about how specific God can be.  He’s saying, “I know the way; walk with Me.”
When I have my meeting with God and I run across something in His Word that seems like it is too good to be true, I become like a child and say: “You shouldn’t have said that unless You wanted me to believe it, because I do!!”
I have a sneaking suspicion that God likes that!!  He inspired it to be written so that all these years later, I could read it when I needed it.  God’s truth traverses all time and lands on my heart just when I need it!
God is calling us to develop our ability to dialog with Him.  He listens when we speak to Him and He wants us to expect that He would answer back.  That’s the way a conversation works.
One day, I had a thought and I formed it into words.  It was about a need that I had.  I heard the Spirit of God within me say,  “Okay, ask me for that.”  Amazing!!
One of the things that I have found that makes that voice louder and clearer, is if I don’t have any “static” on the line. 
“Static” can be several things.  Here are a few:
·         Trying to figure out the solution
·         Wanting it done my way
·         Being resentful to those who seem to be at fault for my delay (maybe even God).
Those are three big road blocks.  I find that my heart is more receptive to God when I come into my meeting with God saying—
·         “This is too big for me.  I need your help.”
·         “I know Your ways are so much better than mine.  I just want Your way.”
·         “I forgive anyone who I even think might be at fault here.  (If you have resentment toward God, you can say…)  I even forgive You God.  I know it’s not You who is holding out on me.”
There now—you have done a major clearing of the “phone lines” between you and God.  He wants so much to help us live our lives here on earth.  We don’t have to gut it out and hope for the best.  We can hear His voice and live in the best!!
Today’s Assignment:
1.       As you come to your “appointment” with God, ask Him to show you how to get rid of your static on the line.

2.      Express to Him how much you want to hear that “word” behind you saying, “this is the way.”

3.      Before reading these scriptures, ask God to personally show you what He is saying to you. 

            Proverbs 16:3
Hebrews 10: 23
I Corinthians 2: 9-16

4.      After you read the scripture, write down what you think He is saying to you.

Note:  You might wonder why I am asking you to write things down.  It’s because He is teaching us and it helps to document what we are learning.  It may not be real fun at the time but the results will be so worth it!
Father, show me the things in my soul that block Your precious voice to me.  I admit that I am not capable of figuring it all, but I know You are.  You can make it easy for me to understand.  Help me to follow Your instructions so I can be get to where You want me to be.  Thank You for Your faithfulness to me.  Amen.


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