Saturday, October 16, 2010

Days 6 and 7 Recap Of The Week

Days 6 and 7

·         Go to your “designated place,” open your journal and review the last five “meetings” you have had with God.   These two days have been set aside so that you can get caught up if you got behind and also just spend a little more quality time in the scriptures.  Your Bible is the “roadmap” that will get you to your “there.”  Remember you can get there from where you are!!

·         Write down the questions that you have concerning your situation.  You may feel uncomfortable doing that if you haven’t done it before, but Jeremiah 33:3 says the God promises to “show you great things that you do not know.”  If we want a specific answer, you must ask a specific question.

·         As you write and read, talk to God and thank Him for meeting with you.

·         Thank Him for His Word and for speaking to you through His Word.

·         Thank God for His faithfulness day by day!!

NOTE:  As I started my journey, I realized that if I submitted my entire day to God, He would use everything in my day to get revelation and direction to me.   I might be reading a book, watching a movie, glancing at a billboard, and even reading my “junk” mail, and discover God speaking to me through those avenues. (Did you get that….”avenues”…..”roadmap”….”journey!!”)
 Anyway, I write everything (or almost everything!!) in my journal so at the end of the week I can go back and review what God was showing me this past week.  I began to see that God had programmed my destination into my GPS and all I had to do is to follow the instructions.  It doesn’t get any easier than that!!
·         Read Proverbs 16: 3  Amplified Bible
These two days are set aside every five days so that you will have time to reflect, to look back to see where you have come and time to think about where you are going.  Oh, by the way, don’t be afraid to dream!! 
·         Read I Corinthians 2: 9 and think on that!! 
Assignment :
·         Recap the week
·         Thank God that He has you on a journey to your destination
·         Write down your dreams for the future   (Go ahead.  You don’t have to be afraid that it’s too much for God because it’s just between you and God anyway.  Nobody else is going to see it!!)
Father, You are such a good Father to me!  I appreciate Your faithfulness over this past week.  I appreciate that You have used the world around me to speak to me and give me direction.  I so want to follow Your instructions so that I can experience Your peace and all that You have planned for me.  I want my life to be a testimony that will bring others to Your goodness and Your greatness.  Amen.

Side Note:  If you come to my blog, and notice the blog was the same as yesterday, it’s because I may be out of town, spending time with David or our grandkids, or just having a “day.”  God still wants to meet with you.  Use these days to read a book, listen to a CD, etc.  Continue to put fuel your gas tank with spiritual things so you can keep moving along on your journey.  Then check back with me again the following day!!


  1. Thank you - I really felt like I needed to ponder and absorb the last five days!

  2. That's the beauty of a blog--updates are only needed when inspiration is given! The posts are there for review and for those who are just coming on board to catch up!
